Gene Parulis
Gene Parulis has been absorbed in photographing the world for fifty years. The two poles of his life have been teaching and traveling, and photography has occupied a central place in both passions. He has exhibited in galleries in the USA and Europe, and his photos have appeared in a number of magazines, books, and websites. He has collaborated with writers particularly with regard to illustrating themes of spirituality as well as personal and professional development. He is currently at work on multimedia projects, among them explorations of the theme of Orpheus and Eurydice and Greek Street Art. He recently showed his documentary on Albert Martin, a New Englander who fell at the Alamo, at the John Brown House in Providence.
“When I first began dabbling with Photography fifty years ago, I hardly realized then that the unexpected magical door in the wall had actually swung open, and that I was entering a world of marvels with endless opportunities to explore and discover. Photography has deepened my appreciation of the natural and human worlds, enlarging both my senses and heart while continually widening my field of contact. As a photographer I am dedicated primarily to things that uplift the spirit and to the creation of works that, to paraphrase the painter Barbara Hepworth, reveal an affirmation, acceptance and intensification of life. Our evolving world of digital imagery has heightened this dynamic approach and put within our grasp exhilarating new means of expression, what I think of color, form, and ideas at the command of ingenious algorithms. We are in closer contact than ever with wonders and this is what my photography celebrates.”